Some of our latest news.....
"Fleet" Aust Ch Nahrof Semper Paratas (ai) SWN TK.S Supreme Ch Nahrof Serve And Protect x Int/Multi Ch Borderlane JP Talisman Forrever Another lovely youngster awarded in Group and in Show awards on the way to her title including BEST IN GROUP. Fleet is the fourth pup from our Motto/Kahnel litter to finish her championshp joining her litter mates "Three", "Brabus" and "Lympha" ! Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Ann-Marie Jolley and "Bear" on becoming our latest AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION Doing it in style with a lovely R/up BEST IN GROUP win! Aust Ch Nahrof Tri it With Ice RN Sire: Ch Nahrof The Book Thief ~ Dam: Ch Nahrof Break Free
Can GChB/Am Ch Nahrof Semper Supra TK.N CGN CGCA CGCU Congratulations and thanks to Hebe and Olivia (Leboria BCs) and Jen Knudsen and Guillermo Fano for campaigning Brabus with such success. In recent months he has also achieved multiple BEST IN GROUP wins and Group placements An impressive start to this youngster's career! Supreme Ch Nahrof Serve And Protect After an absence of 18 months while she raised two beautiful litters, "Motto" came back to the show rings in June with impressive results! In the past five weeks she has won: 3 x BEST IN SHOW 3 x BEST IN GROUP 2 x R/up BEST IN GROUP Nahrof Tri It With Ice "Bear" BEST IN SHOW ADSS Adelaide - Judge: Mrs S Brackman (NSW) "Bear" becomes our 35th home bred Best In Show winner SUPREME CHAMPION #12 Supreme Ch Nahrof Nonchalant "Chant" Supreme Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded x Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET NEW OBEDIENCE GRAND CHAMPION
![]() O CH RO CH HTM CH FS CH NAHROF ZYPPERTY CCD UDX RAE TK.I Thank you Penny for campaigning "Zypperty" with such love and success
Across three generations.........from 2010 to 2021 “Uno” and her daughters “Key” and “Tap” and their progeny “Rise” and “Brew”
Neut Ch Nahrof Game On
Ch Nahrof Know How SWA ET TK.S
Grand Ch Nahrof Knock On ET
Ch Nahrof Bad Moon Risen CCD RA TK.S
Nahrof On Tap
Ch Nahrof Tip Of The Iceberg "Drift" BEST IN SHOW ADSS Adelaide - Judge: Mrs C Keong (Qld) "Drift" becomes our 34th Home bred Best In Show winner Ch Nahrof Nonchalant "Chant" BEST IN SHOW Australian Working Dog Club - Judge: Mrs L Stevens (ACT) Our 33rd Home bred Best In Show winner
SUPREME CHAMPION # 11 Supreme Ch Nahrof Icelander "Crash" Pictured with owner and #1 fan Kaye Hansen after winning his crowning Best in Group award
Canadian Ch Nahrof Semper Supra (ai) "Brabus" - titled at 7.5 months Aust Ch Nahrof Semper Fi (ai) "Three" - titled at 7.5 months Ch Nahrof I Put A Spell On You (ai) "Sage" Ch Nahrof Mumm's The Word (ai) "Flute" ADELAIDE ROYAL 2023 Best of Breed and Group 4th Supreme Ch Nahrof Icebreaker "Titan"
Best Neuter in Group R/UP BEST NEUTER IN SHOW Grand/Gr Neuter Ch Nahrof Etched In Ice "Ice"
We have had some great specialty show results so far in 2023 NSW Southern Districts Country Border Collie Club Show "Chant" Ch Nahrof Nonchalant RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW Saturday and Sunday "Shot" Supreme Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready BEST IN SHOW Saturday
Border Collie Club of South Australia Supreme Ch Nahrof Icebreaker "Titan" BEST IN SHOW Ch Nahrof Stolen Liberty "Zali" R/up BEST IN SHOW Grand Ch/Grand Neuter Ch Nahrof Etched in Ice "Ice" BEST NEUTER IN SHOW Pictured with Team SA at the Border Collie Club of SA show
Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Ch Nahrof Stolen Liberty "Zali" BEST IN SHOW
Border Collie Club of NSW Inc - April Show Supreme Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready "Shot" R/up BEST IN SHOW
Another great Sydney Royal for the Nahrof team! "Shot" Supreme Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready BEST OF BREED and on to GROUP 4th "Chant" Ch Nahrof Nonchalant RESERVE BITCH CHALLENGE Team Nahrof - Sydney Royal 2023 Brilliant day at the Border Collie Club of NSW Championship show Litter mates "Motto" and "Shot" take top honours winning BEST IN SHOW and R/up BEST IN SHOW Judge: Ms B Shepherdson (SA) October, 2022 Celebrating a fantastic team effort with our winners after the show! Pictured are: Vicky and Cole, Carol and Buddy, Deb and Beep, Tiarne, Flute & Cause, Aimee and Motto, Daryn and Shot, Louise and Ren and Julie and Snoop with Mel, Lauren, Joy and Errol
"Motto" adds another two BEST IN SHOW wins to her tally...... Supreme Ch Nahrof Serve And Protect The Working Dog Club of NSW - Judge: Mrs J Fynmore The Cattle, Kelpie, BC & GSD Club - Judge: Mrs S Bownds SUPREME CHAMPIONS # 9 and # 10 So proud to announce our latest Supremes!! Supreme Ch Nahrof Serve and Protect Supreme Ch Nahrof Icebreaker Huge thanks to Aimee Meagher for handling "Motto" to this title and to Matt, Sam and Issy Fisher for their success with "Titan". Both these dogs finished in fantastic style with "Motto" taking RUNNERUP BEST IN SHOW and "Titan" finishing with a BEST IN SHOW win. Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded x Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET Gr Ch Nahrof Icelander x Ch Nahrof Play It Cool Another Champion for "Scoop" and the fourth from this litter to title joining her litter mates "Trace", "Chant" and "Rap" Am Ch Nahrof Novelist "Page" Thanks to Katie Rodgers and Callie Sears Bell for campaigning her to this title in the USA. Dam: Aust Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET "Scoop" Sire: Aust Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded "Gage" Thanks and congrats to Jason and Nadia Attridge (Classicyds BCs) on completing Rap's Australian Championship show title and also her Endurance Title! Aust Ch Nahrof Notorious at Classicyds ET "Rap" GRAND CHAMPION #24 Congratulations to Linda Norman and "Breeze" on this great achievement Grand Ch Nahrof Soyokaze "Motto" Aust Ch Nahrof Serve And Protect becomes our latest All Breeds BEST IN SHOW winner
Introducing our latest Show Champions..... Aust Ch Nahrof Somebody To Watch "Snoop" Sire: Dual Ch (T) Khayoz Somebody Stop Me (ai) CCD RA JDX GD Dam: Nahrof Thieves In The Temple PT CCD
Aust Ch Nahrof Don't Shoot The Messenger Aust Ch Nahrof Bad Moon Risen (ai)
"Mess" "Rise Sire: Supreme Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready Sire: Ch Nahrof Bad Moon Rising Dam: Ch Nahrof Don't Stop Believing Dam: Ch Nahrof Know How ET Very exciting end to 2021 with TWO new SUPREME Champions Litter mates "Remi" and "Shot" become "Supremes" # 7 and # 8 Supreme Ch Nahrof Single Shot "Remi" Supreme Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready "Shot" We have a new American Champion - congrats to his owners Sandy & Steve Beeler, USA "Trace" Am Ch Nahrof Nuance ** UPDATE ** - now Grand Ch !! Dam: Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET ~ Sire: Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded Whelped: 28th January, 2020 We have welcomed some lovely new litters so far in 2021 Ren ~ Haggis litter at 5 weeks Nahrof Thieves In The Temple PT ~ Dual Ch (T) Khayoz Somebody Stop Me(ai) JDX GD Tap ~ Gage litter at 6 weeks Grand Ch Nahrof Knock On ET ~ Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded Liberty ~ Stealer litter at 6 weeks Nahrof Break Free ~ Ch Nahrof The Book Thief
Celebrating some new titles & new CHAMPIONS in both Breed and Performance Congratulations to their owners, trainers and handlers - we are very proud of the successes you have achieved
OCh ROCh FSCh HTMCh Nahrof Zypperty CCD UD RAE "Zypperty"
Aust Ch Nahrof Nonchalant "Chant"
Aust Ch Nahrof Champagne On Ice CCD RN "Moet"
Aust Ch Nahrof Know Doubt "Echo"
Neuter Ch Nahrof Game On "Uno"
Nahrof Split The Difference JD "Mali" SYDNEY ROYAL 2021 What a Royal for Nahrof!!! Best of Breed and Best In Group 3rd: Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready Reserve Dog & RUBOB: Supreme Ch Nahrof Catalyst ET Challenge Bitch: Nahrof Nonchalant Puppy of the Day: Nahrof Bad Moon Risen (ai) Best Neuter: Ch Nahrof Page The Doctor ET Best Breeders Team of the Day: Nahrof Best in Obedience Trial: OCh ROCh FSCh HTMCh Nahrof Zypperty CCD UD RAE
Breeders Team - 'Mess', 'Shot', 'Chant' & 'Beep' Daryn & 'Shot' - Best of Breed
Lauren, Daryn & Vic with 'Shot' Mel & Deb with 'Rise' & 'Mess' Penny & 'Zypperty'
"Shot" Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready wins BEST IN SHOW at the Border Collie Club of NSW Inc Championship show Congratulations Penny and "Zypperty" on completing your RALLY O CHAMPIONSHIP Dual Ch (Obed & Rally) Nahrof Zypperty UD FS.A HTM.A. Introducing our new youngster
"Mess" "Liberty" Nahrof Don't Shoot The Messenger Nahrof Break Free Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready ~ Ch Nahrof Don't Stop Believing Ch Nahrof Ice Breaker ~ Ch Wiralee Turn To Ice
Jap Ch Nahrof Dalmoor's Muse "Saz" ends the year of a high note winning 5 x BEST IN GROUP ~ 2 x RESERVE QUEEN ~ 1 x QUEEN These are super results especially for such a young girl Congratulations BorderLane Kennels, Japan! WOO HOO! "Moet" wins Dogs SA PUPPY OF THE YEAR Congratulations Kaye & Craig Hansen on this super win! Nahrof Champagne on Ice "Moet" Nahrof Thieves In The Temple "Ren" Sire: Ch Nahrof Thick As Thieves ET ~ Dam: Grand Ch Nahrof Etched In Ice PUPPY IN SHOW - 5th BC National BEST OF BREED - Illawarra Collie & Shetland Sheepdog Specialty Three CLASS IN SHOW wins for Nahrof at the 5th BC National! Nahrof Speakeasy (ai) - "Easy" Nahrof Thieves In The Temple - "Ren" BEST BABY IN SHOW BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Grand Ch Nahrof Etched in Ice - "Ice" (and a very happy Kaye Hansen!) BEST AUSTRALIAN BRED IN SHOW Team Nahrof celebrate 30 years at the 5th Border Collie National, Sydney Three decades of magic memories - thank you to all who have shared the journey with us!! Aust Ch Nahrof Thick As Thieves ET "Loot" - handled by Aimee Meagher Best of Breed - Working Dog Club of NSW Southern Districts Country Border Collie Club Shows
"Easy" "Cause" "Motto" BABY IN SHOW R/up BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR IN SHOW Nahrof Speakeasy (ai) Supreme Ch Nahrof Catalyst ET Aust Ch Nahrof Serve and Protect GRAND CHAMPION # 20 "Tap" completed her Grand Champion title in style with a lovely BEST IN GROUP win at the Dogs NSW Regional Inland show on 6th September, 2019. Special thanks to Aimee Meagher for handling Tap to some lovely wins during the past few weeks and helping us achieve this title. Grand Ch Nahrof Knock On (ai) ET Dam: Nahrof Game On ~ Sire: Int/Grand/Am Gr/Jap Ch Borderlane JP Talisman Forever
Success at the Dogs NSW annual ENDURANCE TEST with "Loot" completing the 20km course with ease! Thanks to my 'wing man' Steve Richardson for sharing the ride. Aust Ch Nahrof Thick As Thieves ET
Another performance title for "Zypperty" and Penny - what a year this team is having in the performance rings!! In very poor weather conditions, they successfully completed her RALLY MASTERS title! Well done Ch (O) Nahrof Zypperty UD RM FS.A HTM.A Another BEST IN GROUP award for this lovely youngster! Aust Ch Nahrof Serve and Protect "Motto" - aged 14 months Dam: Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET ~ Sire: Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded Julie and "Stella" on the way to their final pass in Herding Started A course which completed Stella's HSAs title!! Huge congrats Julie on this achievement with this VERY versatile girl who also holds Championship titles in Breed and Obedience! Dual Ch (O) Neuter Ch Nahrof Scouts Honour UD RN HSAs Dam: Ch Nahrof Girl Talk ~ Sire: Supreme Ch Khayoz Perfect Crime CONGRATULATIONS Penny and "Zypperty" on completing your OBEDIENCE CHAMPIONSHIP Such a wonderful achievement for one so young! On the way to their championship this dedicated team have enjoyed success at State Titles, Specialty and All Breed Trials and Royals! Zypperty becomes our 7th homebred BC to achieve this honour and the second to be owned and trained by Penny Dalzell following in the pawprints of "Ennisky" who was the first Obedience GRAND champion in Australia. Well done girls......
Ch (O) Nahrof Zypperty UD RE FS.A HTM.A Dam: Aust Ch Nahrof Nohara ~ Sire: Aust Ch Simaro Ice Man (Imp Deu) New Endurance Title for "Dash" and Ann-Marie Congratulations girls!!! Aust Ch Nahrof Etch Factor RN ET "Dash" We have another NEW CHAMPION - the FOURTH from this lovely litter to title! Thanks and CONGRATULATIONS to her owners Janice and Michelle McKiernan (Cannyben Kennels) Ch Nahrof Single Shot "Remi" Dam: Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET ~ Sire: Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded Well done Team SA - a family affair in the show ring this weekend with "Sketch" and two of her progeny "Crash" and "Ice" all enjoying success in Adelaide! Grand Ch Nahrof Etched In Ice - Best of Breed on Friday Grand Ch Nahrof Icelander - Best of Breed and GROUP 2nd on Saturday Grand Ch Nahrof Etched In Inc CCD - Bitch Challenge and RUBOB on Sunday
Congratulations to Martina Pagnin (Dream Border Kennel, Italy) on your continuing success with "River" Nahrof Steel My Soul - pictured below getting an introduction to herding and after winning his latest show title - Austrian Junior Winner 2019!!
Dam: Aust Ch Nahrof Don't Tell A Soul (ai) ~ Sire: Aust Ch Tullaview Capricorn Dancer (ai) The beautiful Miss Roo - Ir/Int/UK Sh Ch Nahrof Blurred Lines at Huntly is enjoying a very successful return to the Irish show rings with recent wins including: Group 2nd (Fermoy International) and BEST IN SHOW (Swords International) Well done David and Morag!
Dam: Aust Ch Nahrof Smudged Inc ~ Sire: Aust Ch Nahrof Cold Play "Shot" becomes our latest BEST IN SHOW winner! Huge congratulations and thanks to his co-owners Daryn & Vicki Collins! Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready - 12 months of age |
We have three NEW CHAMPIONS - all from the one litter and all titled in PUPPY Class! Dam: Ch Nahrof Single Serve PT ET ~ Sire: Ch Cannyben Locked N Loaded Ch Nahrof Fire When Ready "Shot" Ch Nahrof Serve and Protect "Motto" Jap Ch Nahrof Dalmoor's Muse "Sazanka" |
Congratulations to Linda Norman and "Drift" on their recent show successes with multiple Baby of Breed, BABY IN SHOW and two BABY IN GROUP awards - Well done! Nahrof Tip Of The Iceberg Sire: Ch Nahrof Thick As Thieves ~ Dam: Grand Ch Nahrof Etched In Ice ![]() |
"Key" - Aust Ch Nahrof Know How ET - in action with Deb at the recent NoseWorks seminar at the Canine Complex. "Loot" - Aust Ch Nahrof Thick As Thieves - passed the Herding Instinct Test at the BCC of NSW Herding trial. |
Contact Details
Bringelly, NSW Australia 2556
Telephone: 0414 833 922
Email contacts:
Lauren Somers - [email protected]
Errol Badior - [email protected]
Melissa Dean - [email protected]
Deb Richardson - [email protected]
Vicki Collins - [email protected]